Dennis Yu, is the CTO of BlitzMetrics, the digital marketing company behind brands like Golden State Warriors, Nike and Rosetta Stone. We spoke to Dennis, also known as the King of Facebook advertising, why Facebook is a crucial tool that all companies can leverage to boost their marketing and PR.  

Where would you put $10/week in marketing

No question.  I’d put $10 into boosting the highest authority news/TV/media coverage I’ve gotten, targeting people who work in the media.  You want your money to work harder for you, so using Facebook to “incept” the media is the most powerful technique, which we’ll cover.

When to boost vs. standard Facebook ads

We boost 90% of the time, since frequent lightweight touches is how to build relationships over time– from awareness to engagement to conversion.  

Because we can boost to people who have watched certain videos, are in our lists, or engaged elsewhere, a boost can do almost anything a standard ad can do– but with less effort.

Why Facebook ads is king – why Facebook is the best avenue to market regardless of your company

Because Facebook is the world’s largest people database and most powerful ads platform, it is an unbelievable amplifier of existing customer happiness– word of mouth.  But if you don’t have happy customers talking about you, you’ll find Facebook disappointing and frustrating.Startups face a chicken-and-egg on Facebook– so Logan and I talk about how to get results for $1 a day, no staff, no tools, and no trickery.

Dennis will be speaking at StartCon this year!

Secure your tickets now to learn actionable tactics on how to use Facebook as a PR engine for you.