Now you know just how important networking is, we’re going to give you a head start on the tips and tricks of the trade.

Networking is essentially having a conversation with someone. There is no specific recipe you must use but there are secrets we’d like to share with you. We didn’t create three networking sessions for our attendees without some tips on how to optimise each conversation. 

1. Smile 

First impressions matter and a smile is undoubtedly going to open doors for you. People have no interest in pursuing a conversation with someone who doesn’t have a positive vibe, let alone a future opportunity. Remember to smile and people will naturally come up to you. 

2. Don’t be dismissive 

Never dismiss anyone as unimportant or shut them down. You never know what they could offer you or who is in their network that could project you further down your career. Always keep an open mind and welcome conversations with people from all walks of life. Aim to become more than just a connection, but a friend. 

3. Maintain eye contact and use body language to respond

Did you know maintaining eye contact stimulates endorphins? This means the connection will be emotionally strengthened and thus, a stronger connection in your network. Eye contact and nodding also shows you are intently listening and respecting their time. 

4. Don’t close the circle, allow others an opportunity to join 

At an event, you will not be the only person networking. People will often come and join your conversations and you will join others. Make sure when you are engaged in a conversation that you maintain open body language and not to close the circle. Giving other people the opportunity to join your conversation shows you are welcoming and aware of those around you. Definitely extra brownie points! 

5. Be inquisitive, but don’t bombard people with questions 

It is always good to ask questions because it shows you are engaged and curious. But do not fire question after question like an interrogation. Ask about things that will allow people to give insight and connect the dots to gain more information about them and their work without making it feel like they’re being investigated. 

6. Get to know them firstTry not to start with ‘how can you help me’. Don’t make them feel like they’re an object that can bring value to your life. Be natural and start a casual conversation with them, asking them about how their day was, or how they’re finding the event. 

7. Make them laugh

Ask any salesperson and they’ll tell you the secret is making people laugh. If you’re entertaining and can crack a good joke, there is a far greater chance that you will make an impression and people will want to keep talking to you. Be memorable. 

8. Segway into work when the time is right

When you’re both comfortable, bring up work. Depending on your topic, you may begin introducing your line of work or ask them about theirs. It’s all about timing. You don’t want to dive in and seem too interested in them as a connection, but also don’t want to delay it or they won’t take you seriously. Go with your gut, it’s usually right. 

9. Connect 

When an interruption comes along, or the conversation is coming to an end, get that valuable business card or contact or LinkedIn connection. If your conversation was insightful, a mutual exchange of details will take place. This person has now become part of your network and the future possibilities are endless. 

10. Meet up

If you find someone particularly interesting, don’t be afraid to continue the conversation. Ask them for a coffee chat or to catch up over lunch. Let what began as one person in your network, grow into a friendship that is far stronger.

These are just a few tips on how to approach networking. The first time will be daunting and your palms will be sweaty. But knowing there’s nothing to lose, just be yourself and get out into the world to find others and to let yourself be found. 

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