We sat down with the 16 year old enterpreneur, Rebecca Rusinovic, Founder of Bahama Belle Skincare on hustling on a dream she’s had since she was 13. 

How did Bahama Belle come about?

Bahama Belle had a lot of starting points before it actually eventuated into something. I was a competitive swimmer growing up so my mum really stressed the importance of skincare and because I was swimming with people much older than me they would always ask me things like “what is that” and I would reply with “oh it’s just a toner”. It’s a weird thing that I saw this at such a young age but I started to realise then that not many teenagers knew how important skin care was. Even if they knew that it was important, they had no idea what to use.

Then after a trip to Hamilton Island with my friend, I remember us talking about how we wished our skin could look as glowing and radiant and clear as it did after a swim in the sea. From there I quite literally I put two and two together. Next, I just remember saying to my parents that I would create something that somehow mirrors the feeling and look of your skin when you come out of the ocean, and make it available to girls everywhere even if they didn’t live by the sea.

After being rejected by so many people, what kept you going? Why did you want to make it happen so much?

I remember being in my room and just sending email after email after email hoping someone would see the passion in me and my idea. I remember when someone I really looked up to told me that my idea wasn’t going to go anywhere in the future and I cried for days. My mum then asked me if I thought the people who built roads or planes ever got laughed at, rejected or put down and she reminded me that anyone who ever tries to do something new or courageous is going to be criticised but it’s the people who keep going despite that who will succeed.

The one thing that really drove me was wanting to make one girl more comfortable within herself through skin care. Every day I would see the effects skin problems would have on girls self-esteem and that’s primarily because girls don’t know how to take care of their skin properly and the importance of doing so from a young age. If I can make one girl feel more confident in herself and embrace her natural beauty, that is success to me.

But the main driving force behind everything was proving to myself I could actually create a business from nothing. Everyone always says they could do this, they could do that but I didn’t want to be one of those people. I didn’t  want to live wondering what would have happened because you are always going to have something missing that you think you need to succeed like financial stability, equipment, resources and knowledge but I had none of those so I made it my purpose to prove it to myself that I could do it.

What’s next for Bahama Belle? Where do you see your company in the next few months and years?

I think businesses are always evolving and I love that. Bahama Belle’ future involves launching of new products, international online expansion, more collaborations and being stocked in physical stores. That is my ultimate dream, walking through David Jones and Mecca and seeing Bahama Belle on the shelves. I’ll get there…..one day! 

What advice would you give someone else who wants to start their own business but are restricted by their age, time or budget?

That’s the thing, restrictions don’t exist. If you think like that then you will never move towards your dream because there is always going to be something that you are lacking but rather than letting that limit you. You need to embrace the challenge and spread your wings. People think I was supported by my parents for this venture but in reality, that is the total opposite. I was cleaning houses and tutoring to scrape up money for samples and insurance because I didn’t want to wait for someone to hand me my dream. Someday, somehow everything falls into place if you are willing to go and find it.

I think that once you find the courage and self-belief to chase your dream and despite challenges and lack of resources, keep that burning fire within you and keep moving and grooving and seeking new avenues, doors will open from places you never knew existed. And most of all, have fun because if you really want something, you won’t even consider not achieving it. 

Find out more about Rebecca and Bahama Belle Skincare

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