Habits. They are everywhere – from tapping your foot against a table to going to sleep at exactly 10pm to wake up refreshed for the next day. But what if we told you we have discovered the top three habits seen in the vast majority of successful entrepreneurs? 

No, they’re not drink a raw egg smoothie with tuna for brain power type of habits (although Mark Zuckerberg’s top efficiency habit is to wear the same shirt, pants and hoodie every day to save time in the morning), but rather everyday concepts that people forget once they start their own business. We’re here to get you back on track and to set you on the journey to success.

1. Weekends are a small vacation and it is not up for negotiation.

CEO of Zillow and Co-Founder of Hotwire.com, Spencer Rascoff, refuses to work on weekends. There is no ‘well if I work on this for a bit on the Saturday morning whilst eating toast, I’ll be able to squeeze this in just before dinner and then enjoy my night’. No, that can wait until Monday.

One habit most successful entrepreneurs have is a tight and efficient work schedule during the week, and a relaxing break on the weekend. But why is this so important? Because just as how your brain and body must reset each night after a hard day of work, you need to mentally, emotionally and physically reset after a long week to prepare for the next. That is how you create a cycle of motivated efficiency. 

2. Segregate each day into small, achievable tasks. 

Scheduling and putting things into a timeline is invaluable to maintain efficiency and staying on track. Successful entrepreneurs break down their time and allocate it to tasks by the hour, or perhaps you prefer to Elon Musk style it and go through your day in five-minute bites, but ultimately it depends on you. Try new ways of planning, because one you find your groove, you’re one step closer to success. Whether you use a Kanban board or a diary, the satisfaction of ticking off a task is a smart way to trick your unconscious to produce endorphins and motivation to keep going, even on a Monday (trust us, we know the feels). The feeling of achievement is empowering, and as daily goals are reached, success is one less day away!

3. Never stop learning

Entrepreneurs start businesses with what they know. Successful entrepreneurs start businesses with what they know and keep learning. Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway worth $73.7billion, spends around 80% of each day reading. These ‘top guns’ constantly feed their thirst for knowledge through reading, watching and discussing, creating ideas that will power the hungry machine of growth. Success is a measure of your effort, and the more you desire to learn, the easier success will come. 

Whether you are just beginning your business or a few years in, it is never too late to try new things. These three habits are worth your time and there is nothing to lose in giving them a shot. Success doesn’t come easy, nothing worthwhile ever does. But guaranteed, these habits will help you get to where you want to be.

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